Vicky, you are our ‘Inspirational Guide’ at The Cloud One Hamburg-Kontorhaus. What can guests expect from you?  
My job is to inspire our guests: what is there to do in Hamburg? What is there to see? Which restaurants should you try? What’s happening in the city? I’m a sort of guest relations manager.  

How did you end up at The Cloud One Hamburg?   
I’ve been with Motel One since 2018. I first completed the dual degree programme and then started as a front office supervisor. My manager in Bonn then drew my attention to this new position here.  

So you’re not a dyed-in-the-wool Hamburg native?   
I’m from the Rhineland, originally from Bonn. But I wanted to try a new city and a whole new challenge – that’s why I decided to come to Hamburg.  

Suppose a visitor only has two hours: what MUST they see in Hamburg?   
Definitely the Port of Hamburg and the Speicherstadt (warehouse district). 

How would you describe Hamburg in three words?  
Grey, wet and beautiful!  

So, what about the much-maligned ‘Schietwetter’ (terrible weather) in Hamburg?   
There’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes. So you should just always have an umbrella and raincoat handy here.  

Do you have a personal favourite place in the city? 
Definitely our Cloud Bar on the 10th floor – so cosy. Or the Dockland Hamburg Am Elbufer in Altona – a futuristic office building made of steel and glass, with stairs leading to a viewing platform from which you can enjoy a beautiful view (about 20 minutes by bike from the hotel). 

Describe your ideal day in Hamburg. How and where would you spend it?  
Ideally I’d start with breakfast or brunch and then go for a walk, either in the Speicherstadt, at the harbour, in the Stadtpark (city park) or along the Alster River.   

Do you have another special ‘secret tip’ for visitors to Hamburg?  
Ferry number 62! From the jetties you can sail a beautiful route along the Elbe and enjoy a panoramic view of the harbour. It’s like a little harbour tour. 


  • Speicherstadt

  • The Cloud One Bar

  • Chilehaus