Susan Schramm: Welcome Renata! And thank you for taking the time to talk to us about The Cloud One Prague, especially about your art. Your art is a big part of the impression of the hotel. How does it feel to see it now, the final installations, for the first time?

Renata: Totally overwhelming. I saw it in my studio in Berlin as a test set-up, but when I saw it for the first time in real size, I was close to tears. Seeing the finished work after so many months and so much work is overwhelming.

Susan: What did you think when you were asked to design the art for our hotel? 

Renata: Wow! That was the very first thing I thought of. Above all, I thought it is great that you are supporting the arts. In other words, real art and its artists - in contrast to the mass productions that are usually hung up for "beautification". The second thing that touched me personally was the theme of Prague. It's a kind of "back to the roots" for me and the combination simply worked well.

Susan: Are you originally from Prague? 

Renata: I was born not far from here, in Zábřeh. At that time, however, communism was still in power and my sister fled alone - she is 20 years older than me - to Germany to live with relatives. We didn't see each other for a long time and only came to Germany years later - my mum, dad, brother and me. Since then I've lived in London, now in Berlin, so Prague was a kind of return to my old home for me.

Susan: Prague is a very emotional city in many respects anyway - above all, because of its history, which you encounter on every corner here. But then of course it also has a special meaning for you. Do you have any tips on what people should see or experience while being here?

Renata: There are the classic things, such as going up to the castle, of course. And crossing Charles Bridge at 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning, because that's when it's usually completely empty and the atmosphere in summer, when the sun is just rising, is wonderful. If you can manage to get up that early! Otherwise, I would recommend everyone to get on a tram and just see where it takes you. Friends of ours did just that and they were amazed at how quickly Prague actually changes. Everyone knows the city centre, but no one ever goes further out. So hop on and see where the tram takes you!

Susan: Yes, there is also a lot to discover outside the old town. Prague has a lot to offer as a city anyway: a great variety of culinary, artistic and historical features. There's something to see on every corner. 
Back to your art: How did you go about it when we asked, "Would you like to make art for our hotel?"

Renata: Well, first of all, I was contacted by your design team. They knew my art from their research ... and then we started with suggestions as to what direction my work could take. So, how can you design the reception, what kind of art will look best in the rooms? There is always a colaboration on the ideas and suggestions. And then, of course, it's up to the artist to do the creative work.

Susan: What inspires you? Do you walk around the city and think: "Well, this is typical for Prague!" or where do you get your ideas from?

Renata: I work with collages, which means that I've been collectingmaterial for years: pictures, photos, drawings and prints that I make myself. Hand-printed, screen-printed, etchings... I've now amassed a huge collection. I always use them in different ways in my collages and the inspiration comes with different themes. For the theme of Prague as a city, I came back here, took photos, drew, walked through the city and also looked through old family photos to see if I could find any old motifs. And then I added them too. That's actually how the process starts. And then, piece by piece, a huge collage is put together - which you can now see in the hotel.

Susan: And it's really impressive. It takes you right into the heart of the city, which is always the intention of our hotels in general. Robert, the hotel manager, described it beautifully: Your art builds a bridge into the city, so to speak - which we have right in front of us up here on our the roof terrace, especially the Prague Towers!

Renata: It really is amazing up here! I can only recommend treating yourself to a glass of wine while enjoying the view of Prague - and of course the art. (laughs)

Susan: Well, let's drink to that!



Pieces of Art

We visited Renata in her studio - this is where the collage art for our hotel is created